Friday 25 August 2017

Unemployment is a worldwide curse. It is recognized as the mother of courtliness ills. It encourages dishonesty, corruption and falsehood. It develops dark side of human character. There are different causes of unemployment like poverty, over population, in-effective education system and industrial development. Similarly there are various steps to check this giant problem. No doubt the government is fully aware of this problem but the quick remedies are needed to check this problem.

Poverty is the main cause of this evil. Broadly speaking it is difficult to expect truth, nobility and honesty from a person who cannot have two square meals a day. He loses sense of self-dignity as he has no sense of security. He is worried about his survival rather than morality. Therefore, poverty is a great danger to the state.

The rapid growth of population is another cause of unemployment. Along with the growing population this problem has also developed. It demand s a quick check. Unemployed people are always dangerous to the security of the state.

“It is better to employ people to dig holes and fill them rather than not to employ them at all”.

Our education system is also defective. It produces a large number of students who are taught purely literary of theoretical education. There is hardly any provision of technical or vocational education. This drawback makes the students dislike the manual work. Therefore, majority rushes to the cities and increases unemployment.

Lack of interest in industrialization is also a cause of unemployment. Industrial units provide employment to both educated and uneducated people. Therefore, we should encourage industrialization.

Our social system is another cause of unemployment. In our society many depend upon few. It has been observed that majority of family members are dependents. This trend has given rise to unemployment.

Unemployment has now become such a dangerous economic. Social and political problem that it has endangered the security of the country. The law and order situation in the country has also been affected. Therefore complete programme is required.

First step should be to revise the social system of our country. More skilled persons can be trained to help their families. This would be a good help to remove unemployment.

Our faulty education system requires a complete overhauling. We have to take full advantages from science and technology to cure this problem. All the people should be trained so that the cities should not be overcrowded because it results in unemployment.

Industrial development can also relieve us from the miseries of unemployment. There is no lack of manpower, cheap, labor, raw materials and mineral resources in our country, but the misfortune is that they are not scientifically used for the benefit of common people.
Essay On Unemployment In Pakistan Causes, Solution, The problem of unemployment on a vast scale, is a world phenomenon. It is not confined to Pakistan or developing countries along but certainly it is more serious and pronounced in developing and under developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Pakistan is the largest country in terms of population and manpower but because of the lack of proper opportunities for employment there is a huge waste of manpower. There are skilled, intelligent and trained hands but there is no suitable job for them. Unemployment causes frustration, indiscipline and crimes among people. Because of increasing unemployment there is appalling poverty, social evils and crimes. In Pakistan, the chronic problem of unemployment is widespread. There are thousands of men and women waiting for employment in cities and villages. There is huge unemployment among educated, trained and skilled people.
The two main and important reasons of this chronic and unmanageable unemployment problem are rapidly ever increasing population and defective education system. With such a huge population, Pakistan finds it difficult to make any significant success in the areas of employment, alleviation of poverty and backwardness. The parents spend huge sum of money on the education and training of their children. The students spare no efforts in successful completion of their courses and trainings and yet the jobs prove elusive because of our defective education system.
This is factual but sad commentary on our present education and training system and institutions. We need urgently a system of vocation education which is both competitive and make friendly. About 80 percent of educational institutions are under the government. Our schools and technical institutes do not equip the students properly to suit the market demands. The circular is outdated and sometimes even irrelevant. In this age of globalization, we need fundamental structural changes in our entire education system for improving the unemployment problem. In the final conclusion, education for its own sake it not desirable. It should be for employment and earning. As such, higher education in many cases is simply a waste valuable resource which a developing country like Pakistan can hardly afford. The indiscriminate expansion of education at college and higher levels should be discouraged. It is important that more attention should be given to elementary and secondary education. In short, we can say that the problem of unemployment in Pakistan can only be reduced if Pakistani government take proper measures.
Unemployment is one of the major crises in India which is affecting several people residing here especially to the youth generation. This major problem needs full attention of government along with citizens of country in equal manner so that we can prevent or end this issue completely from our country.
Many social issues have been raising head in our country in which unemployment is one of the major issues of concern among them. The person who is searching for a job according to his or her qualification and requirement but does not able to find it then he or she will come in category of unemployed person. Crisis of unemployment exists in India due to the increased population and less number of job vacancies, people are more and jobs are less in India. Several sectors have limited seats for hiring people like manufacturing plants and IT companies including government sectors too. Unemployment has been the biggest reason for other major issues in India like poverty, financial crises, increased crime and non development of society.
Now a day, in India unemployment is believed as biggest curse for youths, who are well educated and high degree holder but still could not get success in finding a suitable job for themselves. India is the underdeveloped country and trying to overcome various social issues existed here since many years, unemployment is one of them and is still becoming the reason for non development of nation.

Increased population, recession in individual business sector, less number of jobs, corruption and competition among youths are the main reason of unemployment. The inferiority feeling due to unemployment affects the person and his family completely by physical and mental level and forces them to take wrong decisions about themselves. Sometime, the financial crisis due to unemployment triggers victim people to commit suicide. Issue of unemployment affects especially those youth population of country who has completed their education from higher education colleges or institutes after spending a huge amount of money but could not be able to get a suitable job for them.

Though rate of unemployment has been decreased in recent years but still demands a special attention by government of India in manner to provide more jobs for deserving and aspiring people. Control in population, development of rural areas, and by promoting youths to make career in various non famous sectors including agricultural, we can get success in removing the problem of unemployment from our country.
Unemployment is the situation of those people who are willing to do a job but could not be able to get it according to their requirement and qualifications. Many people mostly youth population are facing this problem since many years in India as increased population stands the situation of competition all around. Mostly people are attracted towards the same profession which has limited availability of employment thus the situation of unemployment arise. Lack of interest of people towards agricultural and industrial sectors lead the situation of unemployment. People who are suffering from the crisis of unemployment have to face various problems like physical and mental harassment and depression, social abuse, forced to choose or accept the wrong way of getting money in form of crime and violence, or sometime the hazardous results come in the form of suicide commitment by people due to being unemployed.

Solutions can be find out for handling this major problem of unemployment in India by doing some kind of efforts through government and the responsible citizens of India. Development of education system should be in such manner that student would get practical and technical knowledge while pursuing the professional studies from any professional educational institutes along with the opportunity of college campus selection for getting good job opportunity. Industrial and agricultural sector should be promoted and modified by government in manner to attract people as a desiring working area.

Without doing some efforts, we cannot think of getting success in any field and this is proved in matter of the major issue of unemployment too. In spite of letting unemployment be the reason for down fall of the country, we should handle this issue in such manner that everyone gets a suitable job and helps in increasing the economy of country.
Unemployment, the major concern, which is becoming the biggest barrier in development of our country, needs a strict and proper attention by all sectors of India including government or non government organizations. Unemployment has been the major problem in India since many years and affected many people physically and mentally. Most of the young age people, who have a professional degree, have to struggle for a good and suitable job for themselves due to under developed and inefficient education system and lack of vacancies in relevant sectors of major companies in India.

Causes and Affects:

Various causes are existed behind the failure of a person in getting a better job for him or her like:

First of all the overpopulation of country, which brings the competition in all professional sectors.
Ineffective education system, which fails in the proper development of a student as a professional employee with complete knowledge including theoretical information and practical experiences.
Under developed rural areas from where people are moving towards the developed urban areas for finding a job or other professional career.
Underdeveloped business sectors which are still not an attraction for students as a working place like agriculture field and cottage industries.
Due to recession in major sector of business firms, the situation of removal of employees and unemployment occurs.
Underemployment is the second version of unemployment which occurs in that situation when people fail to get a job of their own choice and have to compromise in terms of low salary or low level job according to their qualifications.
Effects and Results of unemployment:

Firstly unemployment becomes the reason of downfall of a country in terms of its economical situation and also encourages the criminal affairs. Due to being unemployed people are forced to take wrong decisions for the survival of family. Some time they got trapped in criminal occurrence and sometime went into a deep mental depression. The hazardous results come in case of unemployment when victim person or his/her family members are forced to commit suicide due to the poor financial condition of family because of unemployment.


In the end we can say that unemployment is a real problem. We know its causes, we know its remedies, therefore. It becomes the constitutional obligation of the government should make plans to solve this problem.

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