Friday 25 August 2017

Sample Progress Report

Sample Progress Report
DATE: April 10, 2001
TO: Jim McWard, Instructor
FROM: Joan Beckett
I decided to create a web site for people interested in European travel. This Web site will
increase consumer awareness of the company and provide travelers with valuable information on
several European countries. Objectives of the web site include:
1. Increasing awareness of travel opportunities in Europe
2. Providing links to low cost airfares and hotels.
3. Providing a page of news related to European current events and issues.
Work Accomplished
In the last two weeks I have accomplished the following:
1. Project Planning: I have created a navigation tree that organizes all the pages for the
entire web site. The project management plan of mine also details the amount of time it
is expected to take me to develop each part of the web site.
2. Requirements Gathering: To better help me determine what users would expect from a
web site focused on European travel, I created a survey form that members in the
technical writing class completed. The results of the survey have given me a clearer idea
as to the perceptions a lay reader has toward Europe. Because of this survey, I have had
to modify the material on the web site significantly. I now have more space devoted to
geographical and political information for European countries.
3. Design: I have compiled most of the drawings and photographs that I hope to use on the
web pages. I have also created a company logo that will be featured on each page.
Work Remaining
To complete the web site project I need to complete the following:
1. Page construction: I have completed rough drafts of four of the pages on my web site,
but I have to revise those and still create three more pages.
2. Testing: Once the first version of my web site is completely finished, I will have
members in the technical writing class test it for usability. On the basis of their
recommendations, I will revise the site further.
3. Submission: When I have completed my final revision after the usability test, I will
submit my web project for evaluation. I plan to upload it to the network by the due date
and to print out hard copies for you as well.
The project schedule shown below indicates project deadlines and milestones for each of the
above-mentioned phases. It clearly separates the work accomplished from the work remaining.
Project Phases
Planning °
Requirements ° ° °
Graphics ° ° °
Rough screens ° °
Writing ° ° °
Page Creation ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
Testing ° ° ° °
Revision ° ° °
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
March April May June
° °
Work Accomplished Work Remaining
Problems Encountered
The most significant problem encountered was the loss of several graphic files when the
computer network crashed on April 2, 2001. The survey I conducted also showed me that I did
not have a clear concept of audience, so I needed to revise my original plans for my web site.
My web site project is approximately 30% complete. I expect to have it done by the due date if
the computer network does not pose further problems.
I appreciate the amount of class time we have been given for working on our web projects. I
hope that this continues. When my first draft is completed next week, I look forward to
receiving your comments on how I can make my web site better.
Annotation: This student writes her progress report to inform her instructor on her web site
construction progress. The introduction summarizes the project clearly and identifies the goals
of the web site. The discussion section describes the work accomplished, the work remaining,
and the problems encountered. The conclusion summarizes the work accomplished and
recommends ways for the instructor to help further with the project. Throughout the progress
report, the student makes use of highlighting techniques such as numbered lists, subheadings and
graphic, making the report more accessible to readers.

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