Friday 23 December 2016

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Importance of Being Earnest opened in the West End of London in February 1894 during an era when many of the religious, social, political, and economic structures were experiencing change — The Victorian Age (the last 25-30 years of the 1800s). The British Empire was at its height and occupied much of the globe, including Ireland, Wilde's homeland. The English aristocracy was dominant, snobbish and rich — far removed from the British middle class and poor.
Many novelists, essayists, poets, philosophers and playwrights of the Victorian Age wrote about social problems, particularly concerning the effects of the Industrial Revolution and political and social reform. Dickens concentrated on the poor, Darwin wrote his theory of evolution describing the survival of the fittest, and Thomas Hardy wrote about the Naturalist Theory of man stuck in the throes of fate. Other notable writers such as Thackeray, the Brontes, Swinburne, Butler, Pinero, and Kipling were also contemporaries of Oscar Wilde. In an age of change, their work, as well as Wilde's plays, encouraged people to think about the artificial barriers that defined society and enabled a privileged life for the rich at the expense of the working class.
American writer, Edith Wharton, was also writing about the lifestyles of the rich during the same period. Her novels, such as Ethan Frome,The Age of Innocence, or The House of Mirth, explore the concepts of wealth and privilege at the expense of the working class on the American side of the Atlantic.
Although the themes in The Importance of Being Earnest address Victorian social issues, the structure of the play was largely influenced by French theatre, melodrama, social drama, and farce. Wilde was quite familiar with these genres, and borrowed from them freely. A play by W. Lestocq and E.M. Robson, The Foundling, is thought to be a source of Earnest, and it was playing in London at the time Wilde was writing Earnest. The Foundling has an orphan-hero, like Jack Worthing in Wilde's play. A farce is a humorous play using exaggerated physical action, such as slapstick, absurdity, and improbability. It often contains surprises where the unexpected is disclosed. The ending of Earnest, in which Jack misidentifies Prism as his unmarried mother, is typical of the endings of farces. Farces were usually done in three acts and often included changes of identity, stock characters, and lovers misunderstanding each other. Wearing mourning clothes or gobbling food down at times of stress are conventions that can be traced to early farces.
Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen also strongly influenced Wilde. Ibsen's innovations in A Doll's House, which had played in London in 1889, were known to Wilde. Wilde also attended Hedda Gabler andGhosts, two other plays by Ibsen. While in prison, Wilde requested copies of Ibsen plays.
The theatre manager of the St. James where Earnest opened, George Alexander, asked Wilde to reduce his original four-act play to three acts, like more conventional farces. Wilde accomplished this by omitting the Gribsby episode and merging two acts into one. In doing so, he maneuvered his play for greater commercial and literary response.
Marriage plots and social comedy were also typical of 1890s literature. Jane Austen and George Eliot were both novelists who used the idea of marriage as the basis for their conflicts. Many of the comedies of the stage were social comedies, plays set in contemporary times discussing current problems. The white, Anglo-Saxon, male society of the time provided many targets of complacency and aristocratic attitudes that playwrights such as Wilde could attack.
Earnest came at a time in Wilde's life when he was feeling the pressure of supporting his family and mother, and precariously balancing homosexual affairs — especially with Lord Alfred Douglas.The Importance of Being Earnest opened at George Alexander's St. James Theatre on February 14, 1895. On this particular evening, to honor Wilde's aestheticism, the women wore lily corsages, and the young men wore lilies of the valley in their lapels. Wilde himself, an outside observer by birth in the world of elegant fashion, was festooned in a glittering outfit. It was widely reported that he wore a coat with a black velvet collar, a white waistcoat, a black moirĂ© ribbon watch chain with seals, white gloves, a green scarab ring, and lilies of the valley in his lapel. Wilde, the Irish outsider, was dramatically accepted by upper-class London, who loved his wit and daring, even when laughing about themselves.
The aristocracy attending Wilde's play knew and understood the private lives of characters like Jack and Algernon. They were aware of the culture and atmosphere of the West End. It had clubs, hotels, cafes, restaurants, casinos, and most of the 50 theatres in London. The West End was also a red-light district filled with brothels that could provide any pleasure. It was a virtual garden of delights, and the patrons could understand the need for married men to invent Ernests and Bunburys so that they could frolic in this world.
A farce is a comic play in which the audience is asked to accept impossible or highly improbable situations for the time being. It differs radically from comedy, in that the audience must believe, for if the personages are to appear real -- and they must, as character is of prime importance in comedy -- they must move about in real situations, or at least such as we can give credence to. In a farce, then, what the characters do is of more importance than what they are. The Importance of Being Earnest is a farce, one of the best ever written, cleverly constructed and delightfully amusing. There is only the slightest attempt at the sketching of character, while most of the personages are at best but caricatures; the author's skill is brought to bear chiefly upon the situations and the lines. It so happens that this farce contains more clever lines, puns, epigrams, and deft repartees than any other of modern times, but these are after all accessory. A farce may be written without these additions -- it might well be pure pantomime. Wilde has thrown them in for full measure.
The first act should be carefully studied after a reading of the entire play. Notice especially how the very comic scene in the second act -- where Jack enters "in the deepest mourning" -- is prepared for and led up to. In order that this scene shall be a surprise, and that the appearance of Jack, without a spoken word, shall evoke a series of recognitions in the mind of the audience, and a correlation of hitherto-unknown facts, the preparation in the first act must be skilfully done. The very casualness and apparent triviality of the dialogue tend to throw us off our guard. This is in a manner comparable with the art of the magician who, while calling attention to a dexterous feat of legerdemain with his right hand, prepares the next trick with his left. So, in the first act, we are scarcely aware of the importance of Algernon's disquisition on "Bunburying," or of Algernon's writing the address which Jack gives to Gwendolyn "on his shirt-cuff," so nonchalantly are these points introduced. Yet, when the scene in question -- in Act II -- comes, we are perfectly acquainted with the necessary facts.
That farce can be independent of clever dialogue is, as we have said, true, but when this can be added and made to fit into the action and further it, so much the better for farce. Oscar Wilde could not resist the temptation to be witty, though this practice was often detrimental to the rest of the work. In Lady Windermere's Fan, indeed, the wit covers occasional bungling in the plot. But in The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde found a form which he could make "personal," and plot and wit go hand in hand. Take, for instance, the following dialogue from the first act:
ALGERNON: Well, my dear fellow, you need not eat as if you were going to eat it all. You he have as if you were married to her already. You are not married to her already, and I don't think you ever will be.
JACK: Why on earth do you say that?
ALGERNON: Well, in the first place, girls never marry the men they flirt with. Girls don't think it right.
JACK: Oh, that is nonsense.
ALGERNON: It isn't. It is a great truth. It accounts for the extraordinary number of bachelors that one sees all over the place. In the second placle, I don't give my consent.
The epigram is not forced, as many epigrams are forced in the first act of A Woman of No Importance; it is in keeping with the characters and situation. At the same time it serves the ends of drama, by advancing the story and affording some insight into the character of the personages.

The third act of a farce -- and it is extremely dangerous to extend a farce to more than three acts -- is usually difficult. The effort to maintain interest for two acts often leaves a dramatist exhausted by the time he comes to conclude.

Laws of perfect gases

Assignment # 2
Laws of perfect gases:-
A Perfect gas (an Ideal gas) may be defined as a state of a substance, whose evaporation from its liquid state is complete, and strictly obeys all the gas laws under all conditions of temperature and pressure, In actual practice, there in no real or actual gas which strictly obeys the laws over the entire range of temperature and pressure, but the real gases which are ordinarily difficult to liquefy , such as oxygen, nitrogen , hydrogen and air , with in certain temperature and pressure limits, may be regarded as perfect gases. 
Laws of Perfect Gases:-
The physical properties of a gas are controlled by the fallowing their variables.
1- Pressure generated by the gas
2. Volume occupied by the gas
3. Temperature of the gas
The behavior of a perfect gas undergoing any change in the above mentioned variable is governed by the fallowing laws which have been established from experimental results. 
Boyle’s Law
Charles Law
Gay-Lussac Law
Boyle’s Law:-
This law was formulated by Robert Boyle in 1662. It states “the absolute pressure of a given mass of a perfect gas varies inversely as its volume with in the temperature remains constant”.
P ∝ 1/V
PV = constant
At different states, more useful form of the above equation is 
P1V1 = P2V2 = P3V3-----------------= Constant
Suffixes 1,2 and 3------ refer to different sets of conditions. 

Charle’s Law
This law was formulated by a French man Jacques A.C charle’s in about 1787. It may be stated in the fallowing two different forms.
The volume of a given mass of a perfect gas varies directly as into absolute temperature, when the absolute pressure remains constant.
V ∝  V/T = Constant
V1/T1 = V2/T2 = V3/T3 ------------------- Constant

All the perfect gases change in volume by 1/273 th of its original volume at O℃ for every 1℃ change in temperature, when the pressure remains constant. 

Vo = Volume of a given mass of gas at O℃ and
Vt = Volume of the same mass of gas at t℃.

T= Absolute temperature corresponding to t℃.
To = Absolute temperature corresponding to O℃.

A little consideration will show, that the volume of a gas goes on decreasing by 1/273 th of its original volume for every 1℃ decrease in temperature, it is thus obvious, that at a temperature of -273℃, the volume of the gas would become zero, the temperature at which the volume of a gas becomes zero is called absolute zero temperature.
Gay-Lussac Law:-
This law states that absolute pressure of a given mass of a perfect gas varies directly as its absolute temperature, when the volume remains constant. 
P ∝ T or P/T = constant
P1/T1 = P2/T2  = P3/T3  -----------Constant 
General Gas Equation
In the previous section we have discussed the gas lows which give us the relation between the two variables when the third variable is constant, but in actual practice all the three variables pressure, volume and temperature, change simultaneously, in order to deal with a practical cases, the boyle’s law and charle’s law are combined together, which give us a general gas equation.
According to Boyle’s Law
P ∝  1/V or V ∝  1/P 
According to Charle’s Law
V ∝ T
It is thus obvious that 
V ∝ I/P and T both
V ∝ T/P
PV  ∝ T or PV = CT
Where C is a constant, whose value depend upon the mass and properties of the gas concerned the more useful form of the general gas equation is 
P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 = P3V3/T3  -------------- Constant
A gas occupies a volume of 0.1m^3 at temperature of 20 ℃ and a pressure of 1.5 bar. Find the final temperature of the gas, if it is compressed to a pressure of 7.5 bar and occupies a volume of 0.04 m^3.
V1 = 0.1 m^3
T1 = 20 ℃ = 20 + 273 = 293K
V2 = 0.04 m^3
T2 = ? find temperature 
P1 = 1.5 bar = 1.5 x 〖10〗^5 K or 
0.15 x 〖10〗^6 K
P2 = 7.5 bar = 7.5 x 〖10〗^5 K or 
0.75 x 〖10〗^6 K
We know the general gas equation
P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
T2 = (P2V2 T1)/P1T2
T2 = (7.5 x 〖10〗^5   x 0.04 x 293)/(1.5 x 〖10〗^5  x 0.1)
T2 = 586 K
    = 586 – 273 = 313℃

Joule’s Law
The change of the internal energy of a perfect gas is directly proportional to the change of temperature.
dE ∝ dT or dE = mc dT
m = mass of a gas
C = Constant of proportionality know as specific heat. 
dE = mc ( T2-T1 )
an important aspect of this law is that if the temperature of a given mass m of a gas changes from T1 to T2  then the internal energy ( E2-E1) will be same irrespective,  of the manner how the pressure ( P ) and volume ( V ) of the gas have changed.  

Friday 16 December 2016

computer Adided Analysis ( dimension style And Options )

Assignment # 1

dimension style And Options:-

CAD (computer-aided design):-
 CAD (computer-aided design) software is used by architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. CAD software can be used to create two-dimensional (2-D) drawings or three-dimensional (3-D) models. Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD output is often in the form of electronic files for print, machining, or other manufacturing operations.
Create several types of dimensions and save dimension settings by name. Here is an example of several types of dimensions using an architectural dimension style with imperial units.

Linear Dimensions
You can create horizontal, vertical, aligned, and radial dimensions with the DIM command. The type of dimension depends on the object that you select and the direction that you drag the dimension line.

The following illustration demonstrates one method for using the DIM command. Once you start the command, press Enter or the Spacebar, select the line (1), and then click the location of the dimension line (2).

For the 8'-0" dimension below, you use another method. You start the DIM command, click two endpoints (1 and 2) and then the location of the dimension line (3). To line up the dimension lines point 3 was snapped to the endpoint of the previously created dimension line.

Tip: If points 1 and 2 are not on the same horizontal line, press Shift to force the dimension line to be horizontal. In addition, if the building or part being dimensioned is at an angle, enter DIMROTATED for that case.
Use the DIM command to create dimensions that are parallel to an object by dragging the dimension line at an angle rather than horizontally or vertically.

Tip: Because it is easy to accidentally snap to the wrong feature or to part of a dimension object, be sure to zoom in closely enough to avoid confusion.
Modify Dimensions
For simple adjustments to dimensions, nothing is faster than using grips.
In this example, you select the dimension to display its grips. Next, click the grip on the dimension text and drag it to a new location, or click one of the grips at the end of the dimension line and drag the dimension line.

Tip: If the changes are more complicated than this, it might be faster simply to delete and then recreate the dimension.
Dimension Styles
Dimension styles help establish and enforce drafting standards. There are many dimension variables that can be set with the DIMSTYLE command to control virtually every nuance of the appearance and behavior of dimensions. All these settings are stored in each dimension style.
The default dimension style is named either Standard (imperial) or ISO-25 (metric). It is assigned to all dimensions until you set another style as the current dimension style.
The current dimension style name, Hitchhiker in this case, is displayed in the drop-down list of the Annotation panel.

To open the Dimension Style Manager, click the indicated button. You can create dimension styles that match nearly any standard, but you will need to invest time to specify them completely. For this reason, you should save any dimension styles that you create in one or more drawing template files.

·       When you save a dimension style, choose a descriptive name.

·        If applicable, check with your CAD manager regarding existing dimension style standards and drawing template files.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Assignment for Industrial Electronic ( Resistor )

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses. High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as heat may be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity.

Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can be composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits. The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common commercial resistors are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. The nominal value of the resistance falls within the manufacturing tolerance, indicated on the component.

Electronic color code
The electronic color code is used to indicate the values or ratings of electronic components, usually for resistors, but also for capacitors, inductors, diodes and others. A separate code, the 25-pair color code, is used to identify wires in some telecommunications cables.

The electronic color code was developed in the early 1920s by the Radio Manufacturers Association (now part of Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)), and was published as EIA-RS-279. Originally, it was also known as RETMA color code (from Radio Electronics Television Manufacturers' Association). Similar, BS 1852 defined a color code as well as a letter and digit code for resistors and capacitors. The current international standard defining marking codes for resistors and capacitors is IEC 60062. Published by International Electro technical Commission.
Colorbands were used because they were easily and cheaply printed on tiny components. However, there were drawbacks, especially for color blind people. Overheating of a component or dirt accumulation, may make it impossible to distinguish brown from red or orange. Advances in printing technology have now made printed numbers practical on small components. Where passive components come in surface mount packages, their values are identified with printed alphanumeric codes instead of a color code.

Resistor color-coding
Resistors use preferred numbers for their specific values, which are determined by their tolerance. These values repeat for every decade of magnitude: 6.8, 68, 680, and so forth. In the E24 series the values are related by the 24th root of 10, while E12 series are related by the 12th root of 10, and E6 series by the 6th root of 10. The tolerance of device values is arranged so that every value corresponds to a preferred number, within the required tolerance.

Theory of operation (Ohm's law )

The behavior of an ideal resistor is dictated by the relationship specified by Ohm's law:
V=I R.
Ohm's law states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is proportional to the current (I), where the constant of proportionality is the resistance (R). For example, if a 300 ohm resistor is attached across the terminals of a 12 volt battery, then a current of 12 / 300 = 0.04 amperes flows through that resistor. Practical resistors also have some inductance and capacitance which affect the relation between voltage and current in alternating current circuits.
The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI unit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Simon Ohm. An ohm is equivalent to a volt per ampere. Since resistors are specified and manufactured over a very large range of values, the derived units of milliohm (1 mΩ = 10−3 Ω), kilohm (1 kΩ = 103 Ω), and megohm (1 MΩ = 106 Ω) are also in common usage.

Series and parallel resistors
The total resistance of resistors connected in series is the sum of their individual resistance values.

The total resistance of resistors connected in parallel is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistors.

For example, a 10 ohm resistor connected in parallel with a 5 ohm resistor and a 15 ohm resistor produces

A resistor network that is a combination of parallel and series connections can be broken up into smaller parts that are either one or the other. Some complex networks of resistors cannot be resolved in this manner, requiring more sophisticated circuit analysis. Generally, the Y-Δ transform, or matrix methods can be used to solve such problems.

Practical resistors have a series inductance and a small parallel capacitance; these specifications can be important in high-frequency applications. In a low-noise amplifier or pre-amp, the noise characteristics of a resistor may be an issue. The temperature coefficient of the resistance may also be of concern in some precision applications.
The unwanted inductance, excess noise, and temperature coefficient are mainly dependent on the technology used in manufacturing the resistor. They are not normally specified individually for a particular family of resistors manufactured using a particular technology. A family of discrete resistors is also characterized according to its form factor, that is, the size of the device and the position of its leads (or terminals) which is relevant in the practical manufacturing of circuits using them.

Practical resistors are also specified as having a maximum power rating which must exceed the anticipated power dissipation of that resistor in a particular circuit: this is mainly of concern in power electronics applications. Resistors with higher power ratings are physically larger and may require heat sinks. In a high-voltage circuit, attention must sometimes be paid to the rated maximum working voltage of the resistor. While there is no minimum working voltage for a given resistor, failure to account for a resistor's maximum rating may cause the resistor to incinerate when current is run through it.

Study Project ( describes a method to design a SPRING for the Mechanical Engineering )

Study Project Name
Project report submitted
In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of
B-Tech (H)
Mechanical Engineering
Muhammad Safdar                                          Roll# Number 1603
Supervized by:
Engr. Mehran Waheed

December 2016

This report describes a method to design a SPRING for the Mechanical Engineering Department of Superior College Sialkot, Pakistan. The reason being selecting the study is that to facilitate the department to compensate the huge expenses of on-grid power supply and also load shedding. The appliances are calculated from the whole department and tabulated in a sequence according to time table and load profiles developed. The novelty of this project is that a model is developed that is able to calculate the entire required components of the photovoltaic system as according to our load requirement. In addition, the methods to determine the positioning of solar panels are also presented.
The project work includes:
·       Introduction of Spring
·       Discussing different use of spring and different kinds
·       History

We express our sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude towards Engr. Mehran Waheed for his guidance from which we are able to implement this project from concept to design. His timely and incisive review, comments and suggestions throughout the project enabled us to modify the project before things went out of our hand. We thank him for everything, from conception of getting things done practically and a lot of steps along the way, which helped us in overcoming our difficulties and making the project a successful.
Also we are highly thankful to Company Sialkot, whose cooperation helped us to make our calculation more realistic.

 This project is dedicated to our parents whose prayers blended in our hard work to produce this project. Without their support and utmost faith this would have never been possible. Also it is dedicated to Pak Army who is always ready to sacrifice for our homeland.
Further, it is dedicated to our teachers specially Engr. Mehran Waheed, who provided us with unmatched support whenever we tumbled.
The dedication would be incomplete if I do not mention the emotional support and blessings provided by our friends.


Muhammad Safdar (Roll No.1603)

Date: 18-December-2016

Figure 2.1: Tension/extension spring ……………………………………………..04
Figure 2.2: Compression spring …………………………………………………..05
Figure 2.3: Torsion spring ……….……………………………………………….05
Figure 2.4: Constant spring ……..……………………………………………….06
Figure 2.5: Variable spring ……….……………………………………………….06
Figure 2.6: Coil spring ……….….……………………………………………….07
Figure 2.7: Flat spring ……….……………………….………………………….07
Figure 2.8: Machined spring .….……………………………………………….08
Figure 2.9: Coil spring or helical spring .……………………………………….08


1.1.      Introduction

Spring (device)

A spring is an elastic object used to store mechanical energy. Springs are usually made out of spring steel. There are a large number of spring designs; in everyday usage the term often refers to coil springs.

Small springs can be wound from pre-hardened stock, while larger ones are made from annealed steel and hardened after fabrication. Some non-ferrous metals are also used including phosphor bronze and titanium for parts requiring corrosion resistance and beryllium copper for springs carrying electrical current (because of its low electrical resistance).

When a coil spring is compressed or stretched slightly from rest, the force it exerts is approximately proportional to its change in length (this approximation breaks down for larger deflections). The rate or spring constant of a spring is the change in the force it exerts, divided by the change in deflection of the spring. That is, it is the gradient of the force versus deflection curve. An extension or compression spring has units of force divided by distance, for example lbf/in or N/m. Torsion springs have units of torque divided by angle, such as N•m/rad or ft•lbf/degree. The inverse of spring rate is compliance, that is: if a spring has a rate of 10 N/mm, it has a compliance of 0.1 mm/N. The stiffness (or rate) of springs in parallel is additive, as is the compliance of springs in series.

Depending on the design and required operating environment, any material can be used to construct a spring, so long as the material has the required combination of rigidity and elasticity: technically, a wooden bow is a form of spring.

1.2.      Our objective

·       Utilization of available designs at more effective ways.
·       To improve technologies for Mechanical engineering department.
·       To provide un interrupted and noise free machines.
·       To provide cost effective and environmental beneficial source of advance technology.


Chapter 2
History and kinds

2.1.      Introduction kinds of spring and history

History, Simple non-coiled springs were used throughout human history, e.g. the bow (and arrow). In the Bronze Age more sophisticated spring devices were used, as shown by the spread of tweezers in many cultures. Ctesibius of Alexandria developed a method for making bronze with spring-like characteristics by producing an alloy of bronze with an increased proportion of tin, and then hardening it by hammering after it was cast. Coiled springs appeared early in the 15th century, in door locks. The first spring powered-clocks appeared in that century and evolved into the first large watches by the 16th century.
In 1676 British physicist Robert Hooke discovered Hooke's law which states that the force a spring exerts is proportional to its extension.
Types of springs, Springs can be classified depending on how the load force is applied to them:Tension/extension spring – the spring is designed to operate with a tension load, so the spring stretches as the load is applied to it.

Figure 2.1

Compression spring – is designed to operate with a compression load, so the spring gets shorter as the load is applied to it.

Figure 2.2
Torsion spring – unlike the above types in which the load is an axial force, the load applied to a torsion spring is a torque or twisting force, and the end of the spring rotates through an angle as the load is applied.

Figure 2.3
Constant spring - supported load will remain the same throughout deflection cycle

Figure 2.4
Variable spring - resistance of the coil to load varies during compression

Figure 2.5
They can also be classified based on their shape:
Coil spring – this type is made of a coil or helix of wire

Figure 2.6
Flat spring – this type is made of a flat or conical shaped piece of metal.

Figure 2.7

Machined spring – this type of spring is manufactured by machining bar stock with a lathe and/or milling operation rather than coiling wire. Since it is machined, the spring may incorporate features in addition to the elastic element. Machined springs can be made in the typical load cases of compression/extension, torsion, etc.

Figure 2.8
Coil spring or helical spring – a spring (made by winding a wire around a cylinder) and the conical spring. These are in turn of two types: Compression springs are designed to become shorter when loaded. Their turns (loops) are not touching in the unloaded position, and they need no attachment points. A volute spring is a compression spring in the form of a cone, designed so that under compression the coils are not forced against each other, thus permitting longer travel. Tension or extension springs are designed to become longer under load. Their turns (loops) are normally touching in the unloaded position, and they have a hook, eye or some other means of attachment at each end.

Figure 2.9

Science and technology is a growing field in Pakistan and has played an important role in the country's development since its founding. Pakistan has a large pool of scientists, engineers, doctors, and technicians assuming an active role in science and technology. Liaquat Ali Khan the first Prime Minister of Pakistan (in office 15 August 1947 – 16 October 1951), made various reforms to initiate improvement in higher education and scientific research.
This is spring technology is very important , if we get more advance devices the thing will be more and more effective , as we already seen these springs are being use in Vehicles: Vehicle suspension, Watches: Balance springs in mechanical timepieces and spring-loaded bars for attaching the bands and the clasps. Mini Drill, Jewelry: Clasp mechanisms. Lock mechanisms: Key-recognition and for coordinating the movements of various parts of the lock. Pop-open devices: CD players, Tape recorders etc. Pens, spring mattresses, Slinky, Trampoline , Pogo Stick, Spring reverb, Buckling spring keyboards, Upholstery: Upholstery coil springs, Toy, Educational, Airsoft gun, Firearms, cars
The mechanical engineering field requires an understanding of core areas including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided design, and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices, weapons, and others.

1.     General Discussions with  Engr. Mehran Waheed